Reflect & Release
WARNING: Do NOT let this candle burn to the very end of the wax and herbs unless you are assuming risk on your own. The intention and excessive heat may create breaking of the glass. I have used this candle time and time again for heavy energy and have come away with very significant results that have helped me on my path. It’s a strong energy. Place only near and on inflammable surroundings and surfaces.
This is a made-to-order candle and the intention is all about reconciling the past, leaving it there, and becoming renewed. It is no good picking up the old regimes, habits, patterns, etc. that tend to old us back. Use this candle to help you reflect on those things in POWER and then wash them away much like the ocean does when the tide comes in.
The shells, which vary from candle to candle, were picked along the Pensacola Beach shoreline. It’s always hard NOT to pick up the old things. And maybe refocusing has to happen time and time again. But at least this is a lovely tool to work with when you do.