Bath-time rituals…

Hello, lovelies! I’m working on getting used to posting here. This is all still a great experiment and I appreciate you coming along with me in it!

I wanted to talk to you about the importance of resetting yourself with water, intention, and what Mother Earth gives us as tools for healing. I made the decision that Mondays were going to be for guiding my compass back to what I need to do for myself to show up in the world the best I can. And that means taking the time to move slower.

Cleaning my home.

Organizing my work spaces.

Spending time in my altar room.

Making things….creating.


How often do we actually take time to do those things in a slowed pace? One that isn’t held to a deadline, punctuated by a frantic or busy pace?

I’m working on making Mondays a nonnegotiable time to do this — mainly because it’s a day I have the opportunity to do so and I have decided not to open the shop on those days except by appointment. What I also plan to include is a spiritual bath. You have probably heard a lot about these if you have been on your spiritual wellness journey a while and everyone does it differently. The basics, though, is making sure you have herbs to use and set your area in a way that promotes not only self-care, but whatever intention you are hoping to create. Water is a conduit. It listens and flows with you. It takes on your vibration while also transmuting it with its own. It’s a lovely dance and one that is helped along by herbs like rosemary, mint, basil….It’s a soul cleansing.

Depending on who you follow or ask, you may do this differently than I do. I’m hoping that this at least gets you into the habit! You can also do this in the shower if you don’t have a bathtub. Just use a basin of water for your herbs and pour over yourself. You can also buy pre-made kits but I personally believe this is a total DIY thing. I like to rub the herbs in the water while in the bath, taking in the smells and the feel of them. This last spiritual bath I used fresh mint (from my last post) and rubbed the leaves together with rose petals. I included epsom salts in my water for relaxation and for the sore muscles I had from my workout.PLEASE NOTE, HOWEVER: Do not go overboard with epsom salts as you most definitely can add too much and end up feeling woozy. I totally forgot about that and this particular bath definitely felt like a whole other level. 😂 All joking aside, seriously be careful. You can also use sea salt — this is actually my usual preference. Salt salt is a great scrubber of negativity — it helps release other energies that may have attached to you in your day-to-day.

The clarity you will find after taking this kind of bath is a game-changer because the cleansing is so much more than your body. You are bringing in energies that fill your soul cup back up from the drain that inevitably happens from time to time in realm. I also like to burn sage, near, white willow bark, or rosemary with a sprinkle of lavender on top and waft it over the bathtub (prior to getting in) and then again over me. I add both because you always want to fill what you cleared with sweetness. I’ve also used roses or other florals I may have around or sweetgrass.

Other things to have on had:

Water to hydrate

Crystals and candles that are connected to the outcome you are seeking

Consider keeping plants nearby to add to the mood of growth and abundance

Bubbles. Just because it’s spiritual doesn’t mean it can’t have some light-heartedness!

I truly believe there is no “wrong” way. Just bring your intention and receptiveness to adding a slower flow to your day — if only for 30 minutes.


When possible, be the light…


Local finds for your spiritual tools